Friday, August 22, 2008

Getting Ready for the 1st Days of Kindergarten

Kindergarten, what a bittersweet time in a parent's life. Some parents may be experiencing kindergarten for the first time this year. Maybe it's an older sibling of a preschooler or a preschooler from last year, but, as you know, kindergarten is a big step in your child's life and your families' as well.

The first few weeks of kindergarten are very tiring both emotionally and physically for new kindergartners. All of the new transitions and concentration that is needed to become accustom to new surroundings often exhaust kindergartners. Tears are very common for the first few weeks. What is amazing is how quickly children adapt and become experts in their new surroundings.

Here are some resources filled with ideas to help with the many transitions kindergarten will bring to your family in the next few weeks.


Books about first days of school:

If you have any ideas for the first days of school, please share them with us by posting a comment. All comments can be viewed by all who visit the blog.

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